Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943)

Пример обозначения: 219/8-43.

105/9-42 Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) October 1942
106/9-42 Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) October 1942
108/10-42. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) October 1942 Сталинград, р. Волга, р. Терек, Владимировский, Дейское, Пришибская, Ленинград
109/10-42. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) October 1942 242 сп, 596 сп
111/10-42. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) October 1942
112/10-42. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) October 1942 61 оморсбр
114/10-42. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) October 1942
116/10-42. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) October 1942 Сталинград
117/10-42. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) October 1942 Приказ НКО №130 от 1.05.1942, Сталинград, Орловка
118/10-42. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) October 1942
123/11-42. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) November 1942
124/12-42. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) December 1942
128/2-43. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) February 1943
132/2-43 Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) February 1943
133/2-43. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) February 1943
137/2-43. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) February 1943
139/2-43. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) February 1943
141/2-43. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) March 1943
145/3-43. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) March 1943 Донец, 3 Танковая армия
151/4-43. Leaflets with number and date (1942-1943) April 1943 Белгород, Харьков
