
1521 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Auslands Nachrichten
1522 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549)
1523 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Front Nachrichten
1524 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) June 1942 Wie die Kriegsgefangenen in Sowjetrußland leben
1525 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Was geht in Deutschland vor?
1526 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Auslands Nachrichten
1531 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549)
1532 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549)
1533 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549)
1535 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Was geht in Deutschland vor?
1536 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Front Nachrichten
1537 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Auslands Nachrichten
C 1538 Russ. Листовки с кодом С - для гражданского населения
1541 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Кёльн, Эссен
1542 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Auslands Nachrichten
1543 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Was geht in Deutschland vor?
1544 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Front Nachrichten
1546 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) June 1942 Wie die Kriegsgefangenen in Sowjetrußland leben
1547 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Auslands Nachrichten
