
1274 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549)
1275 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549)
1276 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Was geht in Deutschland vor?
1277 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Auslands Nachrichten
1278 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Front Nachrichten
1279 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549)
1280 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549)
1281 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Front Nachrichten
1282 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Was geht in Deutschland vor?
1282-29.3.45 Листовки с цифровым кодом и датой March 1945
1283 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Auslands Nachrichten
1284 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) April 1942 Wie die Kriegsgefangenen in Sowjetrußland leben
1285 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549)
1286 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) May 1942 Wie die Kriegsgefangenen in Sowjetrußland leben
1287 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) May 1942 Auslands Nachrichten
1288 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Front Nachrichten
01290-(2.4.1945) Листовки, не попадающие в цифровую серию [ пример: 114-(12.4.1944) ]
1290 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Auslands Nachrichten
1291 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549) Was geht in Deutschland vor?
1293 Main leaflet series with numeric code (for ex.: 2549)
